Download Streaming Videos
Classified in : WebSurf - Tags : video, streamingYou want to download streaming videos from YouTube, Daily Motion and others ... here are the solutions !
You want to download streaming videos from YouTube, Daily Motion and others ... here are the solutions !
If you don't want to be tracked by your search engine (Google, Yahoo, Bing and others) anymore, here is an anonymous one: DuckDuckGo.
With Hadopi letters being sent to Net users, being anonymous is on the news !
You want to read your emails from Yahoo Mail on your favourite email reader, for instance Thunderbird or Claws or others (and not in web browser any more), here is how to configure it !
Carry on reading Yahoo Mail on email reader (e.g. Thunderbird) →
Terrific, the new Android Market version on computers ! !
How to install the wiktionary in Firefox search bar.
If you're working on a multi-media project (film, slideshow, pres ...), you'll be happy to add some music !
You want to know the last modified date of a web page : easy !