Android Studio
Classified in : Android, Development - Tags : eclipse, studioIf you were developing native Android application, chances are you were using Eclipse.
Archives 2014
If you were developing native Android application, chances are you were using Eclipse.
The first malware arrive on Android: it's about time to secure your Android devices.
After my article about the mailing list from WordPress, here is a couple of extra solutions.
If you want to parse a PDF, here are a few solutions.
If you want to duplicate your Ubuntu installation and/or you want revert back to a previous state: Systemback is here for your !
Carry on reading Systemback: system copy and restore points →
CodeIgniter is for me the PHP / MVC framework of choice but it is preferable to add an extra layer.
Nearly four years ago, I reviewed clipboard manager on Android ... it's time to look at them again.
Sometimes you need to work on an Excel spreadsheet (likely with macros) and that sheet is protected with a password that nobody knows any more !
If you are having some troubles with a Canon iP4200 pritner, here are a few clues !
There's also a generic procedure(for all printers) in case of paper feeding problems.
Yet another *buntu distribution (derived from Ubuntu): Yes, but this one manages to mix different desktops.
The DNS-320L is a small multimedia NAS that's like a big one, and it's the best deal right now.
In a well defined security policy, users are forced to change passwords regularly.
When creating a web site (or a web application), one "juggles" between different sites and needs to copy files between sites !
I've already spoken about backups in a previous post ... back in 2011: it's time for an update !
You want to test your PC configuration: follow the guide !
If you want the list of connected devices to a network (router) including the freebox, follow the guide.
One of the main strong point on Linux, is that we are not forced to use a graphic interface to perform operations.
That can be view as a draw back but to perform operations faster and remotely, that's really useful.
Sharing files between Windows and Ubuntu is often necessary : here's how to do it !
You want to convert Photoshop PSD filescreated by your designers to web files, here's a solution !
I've already indicated in a previous post how to look for keywords with Google tools but it's possible to use other tools.
You want to transfer a ringtone from your Android smartphone to another smartphone: that won't be so easy !
If you use your Xbox 360 as a media centre and you want to watch a video with sub-titles : it's not going to be easy !
You want to buy or assemble a computer and you don't know what's worth this specific processor ? Follow the guide.
You want to record what's happening on your Ubuntu desktop on a film i.e. filming what you are doing on your computer :follow the guide.
After the first articles on remote access, this one will focus on accessing a remote Windows PC.
An interesting article stating in four points the methods and tools to validate Google Analytics tags.
You want to design a database (Entity / Relationship) on Linux, here are the tools for you !
You want to know what's your position on Google without going through all Google serach result page. And you want more tools for WordPress to manage traffic ?
Carry on reading SEO : web site position and WordPress tools →
45 NAS compared ...
It is time to leave Google and use my own servers !
To collect email addresses with WordPress, follow the guide.
Carry on reading Collecting email addresses with WordPress →
If you do not want to send your pirvate data (calendar and contacts) to Google to synchronise your PC and your Android devices, you will need to set up a server.
WordPress is the most used hence the most targeted CMS.
If you want to use a Mac and you need to type in the vertical bar (aka pipe) : " | " : here's how.
Today, with digital camera there's no dark room photography ... or is there ? For high camera, it is necessary to use a software to transform RAW files from the camera into JPEG files (readable by all software)
Github is getting increasingly popular among Open Source projects. Here is how to submit patches to an author whose project is on Github.
The apple devices can display an icon for web site ... if you provide it.
I am not an SEO guru and you won't be one by the end of that post, but you might be able to improve your traffic.
You have unfortunately deleted files on a SD card, for instance pictures on a digital camera: here's how to get them back !
Google Maps manages the way it gets displayed and can (depending on cases) deny access with the eror message: Load denied by X-Frame-Options !
Here's how to solve this problem !