Parallax web site
Classified in : WebMaster - Tags : ParallaxIf you are interested in Parallax web site ...
If you are interested in Parallax web site ...
After my article about the mailing list from WordPress, here is a couple of extra solutions.
When creating a web site (or a web application), one "juggles" between different sites and needs to copy files between sites !
I've already indicated in a previous post how to look for keywords with Google tools but it's possible to use other tools.
An interesting article stating in four points the methods and tools to validate Google Analytics tags.
You want to know what's your position on Google without going through all Google serach result page. And you want more tools for WordPress to manage traffic ?
Carry on reading SEO : web site position and WordPress tools →
It is time to leave Google and use my own servers !
WordPress is the most used hence the most targeted CMS.
The apple devices can display an icon for web site ... if you provide it.
I am not an SEO guru and you won't be one by the end of that post, but you might be able to improve your traffic.