OpenERP becomes Oddo

Classified in : WebMaster, Business - Tags : ERP

OpenERP changes name to Oddo and offers hosting up to  2 users on the Odoo cloud.

Why Odoo ?

Officially: it's a name easy to remember without any special meaning.
Unofficially (it's my version) this name was used year ago -back in 2009- OpenERP Saas hosting, hence the company owned a four letters domain name, which is quite rare nowadays.

The aim of the name change is to detach from the ERP name, as the proposed solution is now much broader: with among others a CMS graphically editable (like Weebly or Wix) but also an e-commerce -it remains to see how it compares to others on that field- and an improvement on POS functions - traditionnaly an Open Bravo strong point.

Freen Hosting

The other big change is the hosting (on Odoo web site) prices change. Specifically, Oddo is now free up to 2 users.
This allows to start easily (no installation) at no cost.

I do not know how migration will work: if some day one decides to leave Oddo hosting to self host, can one get the data back easily (previously, it was possible to get a database dump). The other question is whether this offer will stay on: future will tell ! !

A few more details in an  article of NextFinance, and  Fabien Pinckaers declaration (founder and CEO).

Stay tuned as I will test all of this pretty soon and I will post my comments.


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