Remove dictionaries from Firefox and Thunderbird menus
Classified in : Ubuntu, WebSurf - Tags : dictionary, mozilla, firefox, thunderbirdYou use Firefox and/or Thunderbird, and you get a list of dictionaries with plenty of useless entries: here's how to remove them.
When you use these software, the dictionaries installed might include regional variants. I use English, French, and Spanish languages: each of these include several regional dictionaries ... that I don't use. So I am stuck with a long list that's no use ... apart from getting lost in it, when I am looking for a dictionary I want to use.
To short down the list, you only need to remove dictionaries:
- go to the directory
- delete all the dictionary files that you are not interested in: you will need
from the terminal or by opening a file explorer - Nautilus, PCManFM ...- inroot
mode). - restart Firefox and Thunderbird, the dictionaries list has shorten.
WATCH OUT: it is likely an update will reinstall the dictionaries and that you will have to start over the same operation. So, it might be handy to write a little script (shell) to perform the operations stated above.
All this was from a Gofloss blog article !
Happy Firefox and Thunderbird dictionaries change !